Monday, June 21, 2010

Nearing the End

Currently Listening To: Empire of the Sun - We Are The People

One more paper on Tuesday and I'll be free for a month!
I'm full of plans for the holidays now, but I assure you once it starts I'll be wasting away in front of the TV watching random stuff and football and munching on food that ain't healthy at all.
Oh not to forget wasting away in front of the laptop playing FB games and the Altador cup on Neopets (I know what y'all are thinking, so old d still play Neopets! But it's fun la :P)

Other plans for the holidays include learning how to play the guitar (need to buy a guitar first though), working (HAH now this plan is doubtful), finish several PS2 games (after slacking for so many years, I doubt this too), finish reading all my abandoned books (I've finished reading the newer ones but some books like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell has been rotting on my shelf for the past 3 years...) and what else? I guess that's about it.

Cheers to all Curtin students cos we have one month off! Woohoo!

P.S.: Xtina's new single is kinda shitty no?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup Fever

Currently Listening To: Adam Lambert - If I Had You

The World Cup is finally here!
Can you believe it has been four years?
Last world cup felt like just yesterday.
You know what, even my mum's excited about it. Unfreakingbelievable!
I'd love to park my butt in front of the TV but I can't.
Need to -study- for exams.
Can't wait for that to be over!
I'm so not in the mood for studying.
I have plans for the holidays.
Eat, sleep, watch TV and everything else on my still-quite-empty laptop.
Just started watching Parenthood on Starworld.
That reminds me, Fox TV is coming to Astro.
Now I'm not entirely sure but it is most probably that US TV Network.
I mean, there are no other Fox TVs right?
Anyway. I'm turning into a TV addict again!
On seconds thought, scratch that.
I was never not a TV addict!
I guess I'm just gonna be a TV addict-er.
Also, ANTM is now showing on StarWorld.
Apparently Channel V will be replaced by Fox, but I'm not too sure about that.
This is probably my weirdest blog post ever.
Super disjointed.
Oh before I forget, bon voyage Trix!
Have a fun time in the UK, although I know you're not too excited about it!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Desperate Times

Currently Listening To: Grizzly Bear - Cheerleader

I've kinda forgotten about my blog again. What can I say bahaha.

Anyway, American Idol is over!
Lee won, Crystal was second and to be honest with you at the end of the day I wasn't too bothered about it.
I still can't bring myself to congratulate Lee cos IMHO he really didn't deserve to win the title, then again neither of them were that deserving either.

Let's see if Lee will do better than Kris.

American Idol aside, Finals coming soon!
I'm completely unprepared for it.
Heck I wasn't prepared for any of the assignments either.
Especially the Marketing Research project due this Friday.
I think it's safe enough for me to say that we're screwed. BIG TIME.
Oh what the hell who cares.
Can't do anything about that anymore!
It's time for me to study extra hard for the finals!
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Ganbatte Manda!
Let the idea of a one month holiday spent catching up on anime, movies and tv serials inspire you!