Sunday, January 20, 2008


After reading Mandy's latest blog entry, I'm inspired to blog about my collection of...BOOKS! (Yes, I suppose I am a bibliophile >_<)

I took pictures of my bookshelf a little over a month ago, to show some of my friends my rather insane collection of books, and I guess it'd be a shame to let these glorious pics rot away in my comp without showing it to everyone else =P

Right. So...this is the first shelf (consists mostly of storybooks):

Topmost (Inner)

My Diana Wynne Jones Collection ^^

Topmost (Outer)

Mostly Harry Potter, and the Abhorsen series

Middle (Outer)

Bottom (Inner)

Bottom (Outer)

And this is the second shelf (comics/manga). The first level is just full of rubbish, so it'll just be:

Middle (Inner)

Middle (Outer)

Bottom (Inner)

Sailormoon, lol.

Bottom (Outer)

There's more under my bed, packed in boxes:

And this stack of books on one of my desks;

It sits on my desk because there's no more space in my shelves ^_^'

That's it for now. Until next time, good night people.

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