Currently Listening To: Adam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me
Lately I've been reading a lot of blogs.
I guess that's just what you'd do when you're bored.
Anyway. Reading blogs is still a lot better than doing nothing.
About the blogs.
Well what can I say.
There are various types of blogs.
Most of them are pretty much journals, detailing their daily lives, or any interesting occurences.
Some are informative, full of...information about anything. I suppose that's for advertisement purposes?
Or maybe that person's just trying to be helpful. Or sharing knowledge?
Personally, I prefer those slice-of-life kinda blogs.
It's interesting to know how other people are leading their lives.
I've noticed most of those bloggers are though.
Jetting off to all sorts of countries. How nice...*ish jealous*
Then again there are some blogs that are just plain annoying.
Boastful, self-absorbed individuals who enjoy putting others down and flaunting their riches.
Making fun of other people who can't afford the same luxury as theirs.
Gucci, Prada, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. I can probably afford that too, geez...*crosses fingers*
Okay fine we get it, you're rich. Feel free to blog about escapades or exclusive presents or whatever.
But please - do learn something called humility.
I suppose that word just doesn't exist in their vocabulary.
On second thoughts, don't bother. It's entertaining. Keep boasting and showing off.
There are also bloggers who use really...big words.
Like, really, really big words.
Discombobulate comes to mind cos guess what - I'll probably need a dictionary to understand one simple blog post.
Good for literature, not good for interacting with us mortals.
Keep it real dudes.
I'm also really curious about those bloggers who only advertises stuff.
It's kinda boring no?
All about some new product, or some event, or some contest or something.
At least it's informative?
Seriously ppl. The simpler your blog is, the better it is to be honest.
Doesn't really matter what kind of blog it is.
(Do I really have the right to make such um, comments? I mean my blog isn't anything fantastic either. Oh well.)
You really are free to be reading so many blogs O.o
The only blog I follow is Xiaxue lol. Just for pure entertainment purposes when I'm bored :D
Well, your blog is pretty interesting to read.
Maybe its because of the way you write it. Like there's some humor in it. I find people who writes like that... entertaining?
I have a friend who blogs using bombastic words. Its a habit I guess.
LOL Stop sighing. HAHA
@mandy: haha yeah i am too free XD
xiaxue's blog is entertaining, i read sometimes...when i can get over the pinkness of her blog!
@yukana: yeah i gotta stop sighing! and uhh thanks XD
i saw a few bombastic blogs, some with atrocious english but they'll use big, big words that'll make you go all @_________@
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