Currently Listening To: Yui - Again
Most probably drug overdose, it’s the only thing that makes sense.
May you rest in peace MJ, you’re finally free from all that crap.
I feel sorry for him you weird as he may seem be to most of us, he was one troubled, misunderstood guy and he really didn’t deserve a lot of the things he had to deal with. A victim of circumstances, I suppose. That and the fact that he was (is?) famous, and he couldn’t handle the fame.
It’s so sad when people judge him without actually knowing him personally. It’s sad and disrespectful. I mean c’mon, dude’s already dead, give him a break!
R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson (1958 - 2009), your fans will always miss you.
I promised the NZN manager/boss/whatever that I’ll help her out tomorrow (30th, 30% off on all packed ice creams) so yeah...I’m working.
I’ve been trying to finish off Gundam 00 but I can’t seem to concentrate on it. There’s way too much conversation and way too many Saji/Louise moments. Every time I see them I feel like screaming.
G00’s version of ‘SEED Mode’ aka Innovator ‘power’ kinda stinks too. There’s nothing lamer than random characters possessing random, strange abilities. On the bright side I’ve never felt so delighted to see certain characters die. Talk about good riddance to bad rubbish.
To think that G00 season 2 started off so promisingly...I’m seriously disappointed. Enough of the gundam series, I’m so skipping the next one.
Hopefully I can finish this off by tomorrow!