Saturday, June 06, 2009


Currently Listening To: Empire of the Sun - We Are The People

4 days

That's all the time I have left for studying.

On the bright side, after the finals I have two weeks off.

Haven't been sleeping well for the past 3 to 4 days...terrible case of imsomnia.

Can't wait for it end!


If you've been watching Channel V, I'm sure you would have noticed a very um, unusual video by this band called Empire of the Sun. For some odd reason I'm addicted to that song now!

The song has this 80's feel to it, and well, the video's weird so check this out:

I guess the song's not for everyone, unless if you're into electro-pop stuff =P


Amanda Vi Britannia said...

ZOMG I'm so sorry for this extremely late comment my Lulu got taken away from meh against my will .___.

GOOD LUCK SIS!!!!! I HAVE FAITH IN YOU! Go own that exam!! >D

Amanda said...

Thanks!! =D

But I'm not exactly owning them exams though sob T_T