Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Alas, a success story!

Currently Listening To: Kalafina - Aria

You know what, for the first time since we started doing presentations last year...we didn't screw up!

Not only did we not screw up, we actually did quite well! =)
Yes, I'm really proud to admit that, since the last two presentations we had were rather disastrous.


We're extremely grateful to everyone who gave us their opinions and thoughts, to Noel and Timothy, and to everyone else who are not even aware that my blog exists but still, thanks a lot for the help!


To Jigoku Shoujo fans - the twist in episode 24 (I haven't watched that episode yet, but uh, read the spoilers) is just...wow. Even better than Sixth Sense's twist!


Amanda Vi Britannia said...

Congrats sis on the presentations! A job well done :D *hugs*

I bet I'm gonna screw up big time if there's any presentations in college. WAA :'(

Amanda said...

Thanks sis ^^
And no you won't screw up!