Friday, May 29, 2009

Wake-Up Call

Currently Listening To: Miley Cyrus - The Climb

Well, it has been a week since American Idol ended but I guess you can say that I'm still recovering from uh...the lack of American Idol this week =/

There's nothing fun for me to look forward to anymore.
No more entertainment on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
No more weird/quirky/awesome people for me to make fun off/praise.

Back to my boring, uneventful life.

Sigh, can't do anything about it until next year.


Not that I should be doing anything other than studying for the finals anyway!

2 weeks.

That's all the time I have left for studying.
4 subjects...
2 of them not so bad...
The other 2 just bleh.
Seriously hope I won't fail the freaking thing or I'll have to go through it all over again!
Wish me luck? =(

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