Thursday, April 23, 2009

And Then There Were Five

Currently Listening To: Kalafina - Lacrimosa

American Idol Update:

Only five contestants left.

Who went home tonight?

Lil Rounds
(FINALLY! I did feel kinda sorry for her when Ryan told her she'll be going home. Even Simon was being reasonable tonight.)

Ya know, I really thought that Matt would be the second person going home tonight but....

Anoop Desai,
was voted off instead. Poor thing.
I really like Anoop and although I'm sad to see him go, he sorta screwed things up for himself
But seriously...what's with him in pink this week?
And no he does not look pretty in pink Trix!

The dance sequence for tonight's show was freaking awesome in a very strange way! Paula chereographed their dance, was very Paula Abdul-ish.

Next week: AI8 Top 5. I wonder what's next week's theme...


Amanda Vi Britannia said...

Awww I know how it feels when your favourite one gets voted out. It's that type of feeling which probably made me sick of AI :P

Sis, I agree with Trix. Blog more about yourself! XD

Amanda said...

Nah it's okay. He kinda deserved to go lol.

And okay, finally an update about...assignments :P