Currently Listening To: Kalafina - Serenato
Before I continue with my weekly American Idol updates, I have some advice - I mean, tips, for the American Idol hopefuls.
Lesson Number 1: Don't talk unnecessarily.
Lesson Number 2: In fact, don't talk at all if you don't need to.
And Lesson Number 3: If you insist on talking anyway, kindly please shut it when you've made your point clear!
What's wrong with the contestants this year? That's all they do - bla bla bla non-stop. They just don't know when to shut up, seriously.
And kudos to Anoop for apologising, although I didn't think it was really necessary.
Simon is right - you do have the right to defend yourself, however snipy it might be. I bet Simon's all lovey dovey with Megan now after last week's 'I love you Simon, but I don't care."
One more thing before I get on to the performances - really, AI. The pimping? It's too darn obvious. Get a grip, and stop shoving *cough*Adam*cough* into the audience's faces. It might have an opposite effect instead! Sheesh.
Anyway, on to the performances. As usual, AI8 is like a see-saw. One moment they're up, and the next they're down.
8. Scott
I'm really sorry Scott, but your time is up. That performance was just a total train-wreck. For once, he appeared without the piano. Instead, he played the guitar. Shocked the judges with that, but the actual singing? It was just boring, bland and obnoxious. And he talked back to the judges after they gave their comments! His comebacks are quite funny but you just don't talk back when YOU DON'T NEED TO. Buh-bye Scott.
7. Lil
They're eliminating two contestants this week right? Well, that's a good thing. Cos Lil...I think your time is up too. No originality whatsoever - she was mimicking Tina Turner, 100%! The sad thing is, her performance wasn't bad at all. It was the usual Lil stuff, and I'm sorry but it's not working. Snooze-fest.
6. Danny
Sigh, Danny. Taylor Hicks Version 2 is starting to look very likely. Like Lil, it was the usual Danny stuff and it's not working anymore either. I wouldn't say it was bad, but it was just overly mediocre. No amount of pimping is gonna help him unless he does something different and fun FAST.
5. Kris
Holy shit - what happened to Kris? He was fantastic last week! And today...I don't even know what to say. It wasn't bad, I know. But it was far from great. I would've ranked him lower, if only Danny and Lil's performances were a little less mediocre.
4. Anoop Dogg
Anoop Dogg is the king of see-saws in American Idol Season 8. One week he sinks, and the next he rises yet again. I think this pattern will continue until he gets voted off. Which should be quite soon, I think. The negativity surrounding him is a bit too much...poor thing. I don't think the apology will help him win new fans.
3. Allison
Okay, I think she rocked this week. And she wasn't singing a rock song. I'm starting to see the Kelly Clarkson comparison and that's not a bad thing. Still don't like her that much, but she's the only female contestant left. (Sorry Lil =P)
2. Matt
Another see-saw! He just keeps going back and forth. Great performance tonight, it was cool and...very Justin Timberlake-ish. The hat, the outfit, the whole thing just screamed JT. The judges' comparisons really getting to you huh, Matt?
1. Adam
Who else besides Adam? Lol. Simon Cowell actually gave him a freaking standing ovation! I have to admit, it was a fantastic performance and the arrangement of the song was just stunning, but the pimping has to stop. The lighting for Adam's performance was absolutely amazing - and everyone else's was just normal. What the hell. Ridiculous.
Also, the judges are finally paying attention to Allison's amazing vocals. What they said to her about being more relatable to the audience was a little harsh and unnecessary, but I guess they have a point? Oh well. Good for her, at least she's getting the attention she deserves.
I wonder how come all the vids you post always end up getting deleted :(
Cos it violates the contract or something :( Idol doesn't allow people to post live performances...
I'll have to update the videos to non live ones lol.
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